8:32 PM
Here's a picture that will make anyone feel better!
| If I were a Dead Russian Composer, I would be Dmitri Shostakovich! I am a shy, nervous, unassuming, fidgety, and stuttery little person who began composing the same year I started music lessons of any sort. I wrote the first of my fifteen symphonies at age 18, and my second opera, "Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District," when I was only 26. Unfortunately, Stalin hated the opera, and put me on the Enemy Of The People List for life. I nevertheless kept composing the works I wanted to write in private; some of my vocal cycles and 15 string quartets mock the Soviet System in notes. And I somehow was NOT killed in the process! And Harry Potter(c) stole my glasses and broke them! Who would you be? Dead Russian Composer Personality Test |
spiffy ain't it? I'm not shy but I can be a little jittery and nuts in general...o.O
Well then, on to the ranting. Don't you hate it when people read your email. A word to the wise: NEVER check yor email at someone else's house. I will never do that again for I have my new imac xD. I can't believe Trev did that. It pisses me off. Oh well I'll cool off in a little bit...
aaaaaaaaaaaaaah that felt better to get out of my system. My Aunt Chrissy is over right now. We're letting her boprrow the digital camera when she goes to the Czech republic on friday. Oh boy I have to show her how to use it.....and now my dad is being nosy nd reading my blog mrrrrrr...
Do I have ANY privacy? Perhaps I should't be talking since I have a public blog...but that's different form snooping around like the Spanish Inquisition ("Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!"--Monty Python!) *woohoo* Isn't it?
Help! Life is devouring us all whole. Why can't it be simple? If God siad humans were his superior creation then why aren't things easier for us (Take THAT you crazy zealots!) And don't give me that bul about life having tests of fate. Bologna. The only thing I can say to solve the problem is "Let's face it: life sucks and roll with the punches" End of story the end. Aufwiedersen. o.O
5:24 PM
ooh My French is coming along nicely if I may say so myself. prêt ? oui. I miss France. I wish I could leave right now and go there. :(
En verdad, hablo español. Pero, estoy contenta con ingles....ok that's enough foreign languages for now.
Well, well, well. I'm almos tdone with my APUSH hw. o.O I just finished that pesky chapter on the middle colonies. The reading my teacher gave us is really really boring. No not the content but the way it was worded. Honestly why do text book writers have to make history seem like sucha friggin' drag? Seriously. History is one of the most interesting and valuable subjects. We can certainly learn form it (although in reality there are imbeciles in the world who don't but what can you do?) Argh! I forot I still have one more chapter. Blast and damn... mrr...
So I'm sure you're all just dying to find out why I wrote that I was lost and asked where I was in my title. (whoa run-on sentence oh well it's just a blog) Well then, I'll tell you. I feel so goofy. I mean I'm totally distracted because I haven't really heard form one of my pals in a few days...oh I miss them. oh well. Just my bloody luck right? You know when you find someone they insaneously disappear like dust inthe wind? Oh and then all of a sudden they come back again. Stupid cat and mouse game...love does anyone really get it? So thus I say, "Je suis détruit. Où suis-je ?" How emo-ish. oh well those are my feelings...
3:53 PM
xD It's me in my American Music Abroad Tour uniform in Reims, France. o.O I was selcted to travel with the Red Tour Honors choir. (go me!)
1:29 PM
I finally got a good night's sleep last night. woohoo. Of course that was after talking online with Matt, Ethan, and Trev for an hour last night. Ah! Random overload!!! I'm totally not an insomniac. AND I got up at a decent hour too, quarter of ten. o.O Before I've been getting up at like eleven, noon. (How lazy am I?) o.O Grandam's here!!!
9:56 PM
Stubborn and hard-hearted. Strong-willed and highly
motivated. Sharp thoughts. Easily angered.
Attracts others and loves attention. Deep
feelings. Beautiful physically and mentally.
Firm Standpoint. Needs no motivation. Easily
consoled. Systematic (left brain). Loves to
dream. Strong clairvoyance. Understanding.
Sickness usually in the ear and neck. Good
imagination. Good physical. Weak breathing.
Loves literature and the arts. Loves traveling.
Dislike being at home. Restless. Not having
many children.Hardworking. High spirited.
What does your birth month reveal about you? (read memo) brought to you by QuizillaOk I knew that
ooh I like Mozart...
These results are pretty accurate. Not bad.
9:53 PM
you are a cat demon ur sweet but can have a short
Very cool...I'm a cat demon woohoo
8:27 PM
mrr...I feel like no one understands me. That's so emoish...oh well
There's this song call "No one knows who I am" from the musical Jekyll & Hyde. Here's the lyrics:
Look at me,
And tell me who I am.
Why I am
What I am.
Call me a fool,
And it's true I am.
I don't know
Who I am.
It's such a shame,
I'm such a sham.
No one knows
Who I am.
Am I the face of the future?
Am I the face of the past?
Am I the one who must finish last?
Look at me,
And tell me who I am,
Why I am
What I am.
Will I survive?
Who will give a damn,
If no one knows
Who I am?
Nobody knows -
Not even you -
No one knows who I am...
1:10 PM
Sweet I have a blog. Huzzah. I guess it's time to rant!
But first here's a little about me:
x__The Basics__ x
What is your name?: Laura
Are you happy with it?: meh...yeah
If not, what would you change it to?: Charlotte Rose
nationalities?: Irish, Italian, German, and Austrian xD
Are you a lunatic?: well duh!
x__Favorites__ x
Color?: the whole damn rainbow
Movie?: Goodbye Lenin, Napolean Dynamite, Shakespeare in Love, Rocly Horror Picture Show, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Edward Scissorhands, anything with substance...xD
Actor?: Johnny Depp or Tom Welling
Actress?: Maggie Smith or Drew Berrymore
Song?: “Dragostea Din Tei”- O-zone, “The Widow”-Mars Volta, I can’t decide!
Singer?: Billy Joel, Aretha Franklin, Ben Folds, classic singers and such
Cartoon?: Does Foamy count? (It’s a FLASH animation)
Cartoon Character?: Foamy
Messenger? (like AIM, Yahoo, etc): AIM maybe ichat once I figure it out...
x__Either or__ x
Pepsi or Coke?: Neither
Sprite or Mountain Dew?:Sprite but I adore Fanta!
Justin Timberlake or JC Chasez?: Do I have to degrade myself to choose?
Josh Hartnett or Ashton Kutcher?: Ashton Kutcher..that 70s show
TV or Music?: Musica por favor
Cartoons or Reality Shows?: cartoons Gimme the good ol’ stuff.
Singing or Dancing?: Singing... I’m an ok dancer
Wrestling or Boxing?: neither
Boy Meets World or Full House?: Full House?
Who Wants To Be A Millionaire or The Weakest Link?: Who Wants To Be A Millionare (I like trivia games.)
The Rock or Stone Cold Steve Austin?: The Rock, he can sort of act
Chicken or Steak?: Steak please, nice and well done
Going to the movies or Watching a movie at home?:doesn’t matter as long I’m with friends
The Fairly Odd Parents or Jimmy Neutron?: The Fairly Odd Parents
The mall or Going to the movies?: The Mall
McDonalds or Burger King?: Panera?
Chocolate ice cream or Vanilla ice cream?: Chocolate (I LOVE strawberry though)
Disney or Nickelodeon?: Nickelodeon
MTV or VH1?: VH1 It HAS music (but I prefer Fuse)
x__Do you like to?__ x
Sing?: Of course! I always burst into song!!
Dance?: meh
Swim?: Yes-sir-e-bob!
Play Basketball?: meh
Play Football?: sometimes
Play any other sports?: no not realy...the occasional bowl, four-square
Go for walks?: sometimes. I prefer to walk in in the city
Take long surveys?: when boredom kicks in
Go to school?: Yes
Learn?: Oui, Every chance I can get
x__Do you?__ x
Play an instrument?: Violin, I’m trying to pick up the flute and drums though
Sing well?: I think I'm good
Talk to yourself?: Sometimes we do...he he he
Get angry often?: eh, I do have a short fuse when things really tick me off
x__Right Now__ x
Are you talking to anyone?: mis padres
Are you singing?: yeah, “Dangerous Game”-from the musical Jekyll and Hyde (it’ll haunt me forever)
Are you dancing?: Can you dance to that song?
Are you bored?: No, Just Stressed (APs are scary!!!!!!!)
Are you laughing?: yes because one of good buds IMed mea joke
Are you sad?: No
Are you crying?: No
Are you happy?: meh just plain old content
YoUr LoOkS
Hair color: Chestnut with natural blode/strawberry blonde highlights in the sun
Eye color: blue (changes to different shades depending on my mood)
Do u wear contacts or glasses: contacts
Do you have any piercing: ear lobes
Where do you want it to be, if you want more?: meh not anywhere creepy
Do you have a tattoo: None here
If so what and where: ---
Do you wear any rings: my class ring or the opal ring my Grandma gave me sometimes
Do you have a certain fashion you follow: bohomian+nerdy+trendy=Laura!
JuSt LaTeLy
How are you today: a little stressed out, trying to chill
What does your hair look like at the moment: loverly!
What song are u listening to right now: "Parsley, sage" by Simon & Garfunkel
What was the last thing u ate: chocolate chip cookies
How is the weather right now: It’s a clear moonlit night...
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Trev
Last Dream you can remember: It was the 17th century and I was accused of being a witch...random?
MoRe AbOuT yOu
ever almost died: maybe in a nightmare?
How do u eat an Oreo: Frosting first duh
What makes you happy: Singing (anything w/ music), getting good grades, being with family/friends, being at peace
What's the best advice ever given to you: “Spread your wings and fly away”-don’t know who said it, I heard it when I was younger
Have u ever won any special award: dance trophies, high/good class rank? (they don’t tell us really but I know I’m doing well in school), perfect attendance (geeky, yes)...
Do u like to dance: mrr?
Worst sickness you've ever had: Pnemonia
What's the stupidest thing you've ever done?: too many things to count
What's your favorite memory: it’s a secret! shan't tell you
If u could change one thing about yourself what would it be?: my temper sometimes
How many kids do you want to have: 2
Son's name: Anthony, Rhys, Kyle, Sean, Freddy
Daughter's name: Charlotte, Rose, Brianna, Francesca, Lucille
Do you do drugs: Noper-dopers
Do you drink: meh...ocasionally I’ll have a glass of wine
What kind of shampoo and conditioner do you use: agrnier fructis, suave sometimes
What sport do you hate the most: Golf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What are you most scared of: Rejection, hurt in general
How many TV's do you have in your house: four?
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: I have a whole managery of animals
Who do you tell your dreams to? folks, my bro Michael, close friends
Who's the loudest friend you have: Eric from AMA
Who's the quietest friend?: Kathy
Is Cheerleading a sport?: Sure it looks like you have to have athletic skill to be good at it
YoU aNd LoVe
Where would you like to go on your honeymoon: Over to Europe (again! most likely to visit Italy and Ireland), Caribbean, anywhere exotic and new
What song do you want played at your wedding: “Stairway to Heaven” our first dance songs,
Longest crush: 2 years
Are you shy to ask someone out: meh
Do others find you attractive: sure I’m loverly
ThIs Or ThAt?
Lights on/off: Off
Sun or rain: Sun showers ok?
Mickey D's or BK: BK if I have to choose
scary or happy movies: Comedy
Backstreet Boys or NSYNC: Neither
On the phone or in person: In person
Summer or winter: Summer
Hugs or kisses: Kisses!
Chocolate or white milk: Chocolate
Root Beer or Dr. Pepper: Dr. Pepper (What can I say “I’m a pepper!”)
CD or Tape: as long as there’s good usic I don’t care what format it’s on
Cats or Dogs: both
Vanilla or Chocolate: Chocolate
Skiing or Boarding: Boarding
Cake or pie: Cake xD
Diamond or pearl: Diamond
sunset or sunrise: Sunset
Fast Food: JJs (local burger joint), Panera?
Candy: Laffy Taffy, dark chocoloate
Sport: --I have no athletisism but I like hockey...
show: probably Will & Grace
Loved someone so much it makes you cry: Yeah
Drank: never gotten drunk
Broken the law: um...I don’t think I did..no intention to anyway
Ran from the cops: not that I know of.
Stole something: when I was five, I stole a stick of gum (I didn’t know any better then)
well that's it really more updates to follow!!
School starts in less than a week. BLAST! Stupid school. I have no finished my APUSH reading oops. Oh well. I'll do it tommorrow. not much happening now so I shall blog later.
Ciao belleza,