4:28 PM
I'm off at Warrior, eating dinner, and going trick-or-treating with Kelsey and Jimbo.
Ciao you ghouls and gobblins!
6:45 PM
Perhaps, I won't be a 1920s gangster. I was flipping channels an hour ago and came across a Helen of Troy documentary onPBS. I saw a fresco of her; she was indeed an immaculate princess, a powerful, beautiful woman. I thought to myself, "That would be a kickass costume" Then I realized I could pull it off! I had the pale makeup, the wirey up do hair style (I have a fall), the robe (it's got a floral print but it's solid black with up-turned white sleeves...no one will see the print unless they're really, really close.), and I have really pretty jeweled shoes. I am seriously considering this as my costume.
I can't wait to tell Kelsey I can go trick-or-treating with her! lol teh awesomeness!
4:32 PM
WOOT I'm so excited for Halloween. I believe I'm dressing up as a 1920s ganster. Mama mia! digging up my roots...lol. I've also been thinking about a ghoul...we'll see.
Almost done with my homework, I waited until today to do it. Yay I have mastered procastination and time management. huzzah for me.
CDYC was cra-zay as usual. Singing! yippee! overly tired=hyperness etc, you know the drill!
Church was actually moving. This family who had triplets had another kid and baptized her. After they released four doves, one for each child, into the air. Simply beautiful, those doveslooked like angels. I really want that my wedding but I'm afraid that a hawk might eat the doves and/or it's animal abuse or something.
I've been thinking about Disney a lot today. I have no idea why. That might explain why I watched Monsters, Inc yesterday. (good movie, creative and very cute) I remember that CDYC competion last year in Florida. Oh man, good times. Disneyworld+friends+spring break+singing=awesomeness
Time for some appropriate English reading, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving. Spooky! lol
7:05 PM
I made a Quiz for you!
Take my Quiz! and then
Check out the Scoreboard! If this does not work, IM or email me.
4:42 PM
Halloween Horoscope for Taurus |
For you, halloween is about looking your best - even if it costs a fortune. You don't mind a little sweet stuff either, as long as it's high quality chocolate.
Costume suggestions: An elegant princess / prince. Or a high class vampire.
Signature Halloween candy: Truffles |
gimme some candy!
You Are Not Scary |
Everyone loves you. Isn't that sweet? |
Obviously blogthings does not know me that well.
Oo la la! Oui oui, time for a Frech ORAL exam...lol....eeeeeeeeew sorry about the grossness...
1:30 PM
Lots of things to look forward to...but something is not right. I feel empty. Something is obviously missing in my life. This horrible hollow feeling in me is just eating away at me...sure you can say it's the PMS but I think it's something more. And no, I am not being emo. Does anyone get what I mean, you just feel like you're not yourself, like your soul is gone, as if you just wander aimlessly through life, no purpose, just nothing...? Am I a nonentity or is this really me?
3:38 PM
Oh wikipedia never ceases to amuse me! lol
9:00 PM
Awesome day...lunch was nuts, smae with the free mod. lol
ZOMG! To my surpise the concert went extremely well. I'm going to miss Ms. Pizzino. Se's going to Craig elementary next week...*tear, sob* She is frickin' stupendous! I so want to go to Crane because of her now. maybe...we''ll see. during my lunch tomorrow, I'll visit her and Ladies' First. w00t.
Ok Laura needs to shower and get to sleep...g'night. I'll sing/ play you a lullaby some other time. lol
6:10 PM
mwah mwah mwah *jazz hands* *Roshel shrugs* yay for the tenor section...
yes......English class was ass kickin'...
Ok, Boyang, Frank, Graham, and I turned chapter 20 of The Scarlet Letter into a mafia/Godfather parody. Here's how it works:
Don Ferraro (Frank)=Dimmesdale
Mafia henchman/kapo (Boyang)= Deacon
Old Mafia lady with an awesome pink hat and cane(also Boyang)=old lady who respects Dimmesdale
Loud mouthed prostitue (me I finaly got to play a whore..I can die happy now...lol)=pretty maiden who tempts Dimmesdale with her beauty
Corrupt Cop who is also a bookie (also me)=Mistress HIbbins
Psychiatrist with a German-Freudian accent and crooked back and cane (Graham)=Roger Chillingworth
Our impromptu presentation went extremely well. Our interaction with each other and the other kids (and Ms. Moore) cxouldn't stop laughing. Pure awesomeness. Boyang wore that pink hat during almost the entire school day! The other presentations were creative and entertaining too.
So great day. I'm just really really hungry....dinner? mmm...taco cassarole! lol
9:52 PM
9:12 PM
I LOVE WORKING WITH MR. CLEMENT!!!!! He is the best voice teacher ever. Seriously. I am not only learning so much but I am improving so much. For example, during warm up I hit an a note an octave above high G below high C. That is not only absolutely cra-zay but very difficult. I can't wait for my next lesson. HE'smcreated anew lov of music for me. Yay! <3
6:44 PM
A lot of things are at stake this year...the musical, college stuff, SATs, APs, my Math grade, etc. I have to work hard this year to fufill my five goals for this year:
1.) Get a "C" in Math
2.) Do better in my AP coarses
3.) Get cast in The Mystery of Edwin Drood
4.) Get a good score on the SATs
5.) Have a normal life
I know I can accomplish these things, except for #5 because there's no such thing as a normal life. I just need some help, focus, encouragement, and prayers.
4:48 PM
Fun fun fun. ZOMG I can't wait for dinner (Chinese food as usual). woot woot.
Everyone is sick this week. I know about ten people who have mono. That really sucks.
Normal day but a nice one. Lots of work but hey, what else is new? oooh which reminds me I have to do my APUSH and Spanish when I get home. yippee?
10:10 PM
blueabyss17 (9:58:43 PM): what else is new?
MountainKing2612 (9:59:12 PM): nm
blueabyss17 (9:59:30 PM): hey, no news is good news, right?
blueabyss17 (9:59:30 PM): lol
MountainKing2612 (10:00:33 PM): i guess
blueabyss17 (10:00:41 PM): yeah...
blueabyss17 (10:01:40 PM): it's all how you make of it but sometimes it's so hard. Life can be such a bitch. Sometimes you just can't go on. You want to crawl into a ball and tell everyone to go away and let you rot.
MountainKing2612 (10:02:02 PM): where did you get that from?
blueabyss17 (10:02:02 PM): and then you can have this sudden high feeling of euphoria
blueabyss17 (10:02:09 PM): just made it up...
MountainKing2612 (10:02:25 PM): geez, you are somethin else
blueabyss17 (10:02:46 PM): thank you? Is that a compliment or a slander?
MountainKing2612 (10:03:00 PM): good, somehow in a poem you just described my life...
MountainKing2612 (10:03:20 PM): if you pulled that out of ur butt then you are really guifted
blueabyss17 (10:03:32 PM): wow thank you!
blueabyss17 (10:04:26 PM): well I guess that's the meaning of existance, to be doomed into a bi-polar world and just deal with it. Some do it better than others....
MountainKing2612 (10:04:46 PM): lol
MountainKing2612 (10:04:50 PM): again right on
blueabyss17 (10:04:57 PM): I wonder if we are meant to wander around wondering why life sucks, is that the other point, or counterpoint?
MountainKing2612 (10:05:13 PM): its like you read my mind
blueabyss17 (10:05:21 PM): damn...life needs to be less complicated..then again where would the fun be?
blueabyss17 (10:05:22 PM): lol
MountainKing2612 (10:06:05 PM): wow, put that together and put it on poetry.com or something
MountainKing2612 (10:06:14 PM): or sell it
blueabyss17 (10:06:18 PM): well it's more like an exposé
MountainKing2612 (10:06:25 PM): to hallmark
blueabyss17 (10:06:28 PM): we'll see
blueabyss17 (10:06:30 PM): lol
blueabyss17 (10:06:35 PM): I'll blog it.
MountainKing2612 (10:06:44 PM): put it in a book and add more eventually
MountainKing2612 (10:06:48 PM): LOL
blueabyss17 (10:07:02 PM): ok that'll pay for college.
blueabyss17 (10:07:03 PM): lol
6:15 PM
Ok so right now I'm going to be an emo teen who's pissed at their parents. That's how I feel (sorry about the emo-ness) I'm still happy but I"m just mad at my folks. They think every little reaction is "PMS" and I need to take these PMS over-the-counter pills. Bullshit.
WEll then now I feel better. Thank you for putting up with the emo thing.
The party has been a little tense between mom, dad, and I but it seems to be going well. The cake frosting is A little goopy and you know the little things that may not go according to plan are annoying my mom and I now. My dad's an ogre as usual.....oh well.
It'll subside...
Fuck this life...let it all just go right for once, God. Is that too much to frickin' ask?!!!
1:17 PM
Yay church. Yay celebratin my Grandma's and my Aunt Chrisie's birthdays. woot woot? w/e. Yeaqh it's nice to be with family.
Shit, I have a lot of homeowork. Damnit.
10:05 PM
Today was awesome. I sounded great in rehersal this morning. I had a lovely lunch with Mom. ZOMG, I had a blast at Kevin's today. WE hung out and he showed me pictures and then we went to the football game. Voorheesville won, 23-22. We left early to hang out. I really love him. I miss him already. They loved the coffee cake. Yay! My Mom's coffee cage is to die for! wow, then we watched the Family Guy movie about the untold story of Stewie. Cra-zay. We're both really tred. (WE both had a "workout" and I had rehersal and he took the ACTs in the moring.) Whoa, I heard this really great band from around here called Yellow 5. They seriously need to get signed. I love their music. woot.
G'night I'm a sleepy little gal *meow* lol.
6:51 PM
ZOMG I think I'm a little too interested in dolls. I've been searching for some really cute ones.I think I"m going to post a doll or two in each post. I really like these dolls from angelkizz.com:
4:07 PM
I found these online from dollielove.com
I really like her dress.
Yeah that was what we were like at AMA. lol We couldn't wait for Paris.
Ooh la la!
She kind of looks like me. However, I have short hair and blue eyes.
Thank you dollielove.com
3:22 PM
Yay. Good day. Ihad a whole block free (frop in music theory) :-D Laura Simpson came to vsit from DC! Richard and Ryan did too. lol I miss those guys.
CDYC tomrrow morning, so happy about that. Then I believe I'm going to Kevin's to hang out.
Maybe. We'll see. I got some awful news last night; his friend's father died froma heart attck last night. I'll pray for them. So Kevin may cancel to help his friend out. It's ok we can always reschedule. Poor guy. That's rough.
5:38 PM
We were a little late however. It's ok the fun times we had compensated for that. :-D
Great day today.. All of my classes and my lunch were fun. I think I did ok on the Math quest...I hope so anyway. Visibility went to Shen today to help their GSA gain membership. BH-BL was there too. Everyone was awesome. (yay pizza and Hnnah, Ashely, Andrea, and I bursting into Avenue Q songs!)
Here's a funny homonym confusion conversation:
"Hey!"-Ms. G
"Hey"- Kelsey
"No HAY"-*points to the bails of hay outside the window8
"OH"-in unison
lol Shen drives are fun! Row row row your boat....should never be sung in a round by JP, Kelsey, and I.
woot. Tina drove me home. Teh coolest. I don't know why people say she's a bad driver. (She's not.)
WE won't get the audition music for Drood until next Friday (I hope I nail it.) That doesn't seem to be a lot of time. Oh boy. As long as I am cast, it's ok.
I got my Area-All State music. I sang all of the songs (with either Concert Chorale or CDYC) except "Hope for Resolution". I'm looking forward to the festival.
Sweetness. I don't have any hw to do that's due tomorrow. I can relax tonight. I'm so going to bed early. lol
4:40 PM
This week is dragging on. I had an Emoo-ish beginning of Spanish class and free mod. The fact is we all say stupid things. Some actions we do are not meant. WE feel sorry. Hopefully, it'll blow over and we can start anew. Thank you to everyone for support. (Bil, Amy, Brigit, Tina, Michelle ,JP, Mrs. B, the Soprano section (especially Andrea), Jen Lefsyk, and anybody else who brightened my day.
ZOMG!! I feel so energized from Yoga class. Ms. Pizino, our stdent techer in Chorale held a yoga class afterschoo. So much fun and it really stretches you, both physically and mentally. Woot. Now I have energy for homework..joy.
4:03 PM
Yay Hayden and that lovely remark about my large bust. lol. Whoa today was like awesome (except for PA but w/e there's always next class) Ms. Moore actually though my remarks about Hawthorne and his effort to rewrite American History tied everything that we talked about together. Woot! Math was great. Mrs. Ryan was like "Ok so thiss quadratic is in the 2nd degree---oh my goodness Laura I love you're shoes!" lol They were the sparkley, multi-colour sequenced ballet flats.I think I did allright on my Chem test. PA=meh. I hoped I looked pretty for my picture. Lucch was great aas usual. In orchestra, we had this woman from Tula, Russia observe us. She's a director for a music program at a university in Russia. I hope we sounded good (we're good but sometimes those noodles get us....play all der notes!)
Yippee hw. -.- But first I'm going to a lesson with Mr. Clement. :-D yay!
10:06 PM
Don;t mind me I'm just hap so thus I['m really ranom what with the quizzes and all. lol
?? Which Alcoholic Drink Are You ?? brought to you by Quizillayummy?
You are the goddess of water:You are always very
relaxed and calm around other andd you tend to
make friends fairly easily.The bad side is
people can't tell when you are being serious
and when your not.
What type of goddess are you???????WITH BEAUTIFUL(AND I MEAN BEAUTIFUL) PICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! brought to you by Quizillawoo!
| You scored as Morning horny. You get up, you get hot. You want some after getting up, or possibly, before getting up. You like to have it when you have woken up and before it's not too day time. Mornings have sometimes mist, clouds and morning sun, and of course always new day and no worries! Although if you companion is too tired you might get frustrated.
Night horny | | 39% | Morning horny | | 39% | Day horny | | 33% |
How HORNY are you after all? created with QuizFarm.com |
ok that's not going to work since I am NOT a morning person.
Pure Nerd 73 % Nerd, 30% Geek, 17% Dork |
For The Record:
A Nerd is someone who is passionate about learning/being smart/academia.
A Geek is someone who is passionate about some particular area or subject, often an obscure or difficult one.
A Dork is someone who has difficulty with common social expectations/interactions.
You scored better than half in Nerd, earning you the title of: Pure Nerd.
The times, they are a-changing. It used to be that being exceptionally smart led to being unpopular, which would ultimately lead to picking up all of the traits and tendences associated with the "dork." No-longer. Being smart isn't as socially crippling as it once was, and even more so as you get older: eventually being a Pure Nerd will likely be replaced with the following label: Purely Successful.
Also, you might want to check out some of my other tests if you're interested in any of the following:
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Professional Wrestling
Love & Sexuality
Thanks Again! -- THE NERD? GEEK? OR DORK? TEST |
My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender: | You scored higher than 89% on nerdiness | | You scored higher than 42% on geekosity | | You scored higher than 14% on dork points |
joy...I'm nerd...lol
Ok I better get to bed. G'night!
9:32 PM
YAY I'm feeling better because I finally got the courage to contact Kevin. woot. So now we're talking online. Oh he's such a sweetie. I can't wait to see him on Saturday! We're going to hang out and then go to Evan's house. lol! That guy is cra-zay.
Anyways. I wanted to apologize for the previou posts about acting all emo when it cam to love and such. Thanks to Katelyn, Kelsey and Jonathan for helping me snap out of it.
New moral: Life is what you make of it. I f life gives you black and white rainclouds, paint rainbows.
I'll try to remember that next time things get bad. Forigve the sappiness of the moral.
4:28 PM
YAY! i was selected for Area All-State!!!!!!! SOOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!! Too bad Kevin can't do it because of his drama production. :-( Oh well. ZOMG!!!!!!!!
Good day today. Long, fun cra-zay.
Slut-squatch. That's all I have to say. (Sasquatch+Slutsquatch=LOVE!) lol
9:58 PM
SO it's offical. I am a sucker for love. It's almost ten and Kevin still hasn't contacted me. Well then. I guess I'lll never have love in my life. I'm a stpid romantic on the inside.
I don't know idf he doesn't know that you have to talk to you girlfriends, he doesn't care, or he just forgot about me. I'm reall really upset about this. I'm trying not to get all worked up about it but to no avail.
I have some advice for love-struck people out there:
?Noody really loves you. Go it alone and keep your head up high. Prince/Princess Charming does not exist. He/she is a jerk a phenomenon, a myth that society made up to continue the cycle of reproduction. Your special someone'll only hurt you in the end. Don't let your heart brake.
There is no such thing as true love and that's that.
sorry to be a bummer but that is how I feel. You don't have to agree it's just an opinion.