8:25 AM

Haha, here I am in English, thought you all would like to hear that I'm for once glad to be in this class. Half of our class is taking a math test in both of the cafeterias so Ms. Moore gave us time in the Media Center to do what needs to be done after we choose our authors for our second semester project. FUn fun. I choose AYn Rand. I was torn however between her and Kurt Vonegut but Mark stole Kurt. Curse you Mark! jk...
Anywaaaaaaaaaays, I should get back to work before I get yellewd for not doing "school work" :p woohoo...
I have an entire group paper to write on my own..yippeee...well most of it anyway, but oh well as long as it is of good quality and gets a lovely grade, I'm good. tra la la...so bored...I should have brought my history homework...oh well...
I am so tired and yet so awake from breakfast. The one night when I can go to bed early, I don't go to bed until midnight. I don't even fall asleep until one...argh! I kept having these really strange yet interesting reoccuring dreams about my past. They were blissful memories but they made me feel torn inside. I can't dream about him any more...I have another wonderful guy...
Ok, thaaaaaaaat's enough. Ciao, all! (I think that there is a spinster librarian behind me, haha jk...) but she really is behind me...time to depart!
6:22 PM

We need to work on that song. Definitely. I'm not sure I'm a big fan of the soft shoe choreogrpahy but w/e. I'll make the most of it. Weee.
Same schedule as before except I'm taking Lifetime for my gym cxlass. Fun fun. Wooo. Damn, in Spanish we have to do a five minute speaking presentation! Shiiiiiiiiiit, I'm not good at that. I don't get it I can perform in front of a bunch of people, but I stumble all over myself when I speak Spanish. I have a good accent and I know the vocabulary and grammar for the most part. Ugh, perhaps it's nerves. Ah well. We got the easiest of the essays in APUSH. I finished up to the bell. I hope I did well. Woo.
Foood...Dinner was absolutely sucolent. Pot roast is amazing. lol. MDR!
Pooo, English time....Ciao!
9:16 PM

Well, that's all that needs to be said at the moment.
2:27 PM

Yes, Bill let's have chorus of "Off to the Races!" Woohoo, rehearsals are going well. Next week, everyone will be off book and then we'll be rehearsing with the orchestra. YAY. Ben is quite the hilarious chap in "Off to the Races". Almost month until we open, I'm so excited. I can't wait!
Tired...and I have homework...:p Poo. Well, I suppose I can rest for a little and then get started. Cheerio! >_^
11:54 PM

Sorry about the lack of updating. The usual is happening, you know rehearsal, homework. Tra la. Earlyier this evening, I went to a college workshop. Good stuff. I learned a few new things about what to do with my essay, my application, and had a mock interview. Impromptu, so I was a little nervous but according to the parent who "interviewed" me, I did well. YAY. After that workshop, I realized that if I keep up the good work and stay on task and do well on standardizewd test that I'll get into a good school that is right for me. Of course, I'm going to freak out come SATs, APs, and application time. Everyone gets anxious about that stuff, right? I just got to keep my cool, work hard, and roll with the punches. woo.
So, I'm an insomniac? Maybe...i think I'll go read before I go to bed. 'Night all.
5:41 PM

Ugh, we should have had a delay today. Getting anywhere this morning was a nightmare and it only got worse until around noon. Oh well. Hmm, pretty good day. It was quick and easy for the most part. Chem test was good. At the end, Ms. Johnson let us collaborate with the person next to us to check our answers. That was a great end of the marking period. I think it should be a good quarter, not bad. YAY HAVE WAY THROUGH JUNIOR YEAR!!!!!!!!! Now I have to not only worry about homework but also SATs, APs, Regents, and college applications. Eeek. I know I'll get through it with good results. Still, eek.
Ow, my back hurts after shoveling the driveway. Ugh, Dad shoveled it this morning and by the time I got home it was blanketed in about three inches of wet, heavy snow. :-p Mom helped when she got home, thank goodness because I don't think I could have done it by myself. How does Dad do it?
Speaking of Dad, he left a message for me on the back of one of the trees for the set of Drood. YAY! HE won't tell me what it said, so I have to wait until rehearsal tomorrow.
Bel/Studio Audtion tomorrow also. Wish me luck!
No schooooooooooooool, me happy but I have rehearsal every single day. Oh well, at least I enjoy it. I'm just so damned tired after, and according to Hughes, Debbie, Mama B, Kelyn, Caroline, Ashley and Michelle we all should be. woo.
4:00 PM

Yesterday, double rehearsal (CDYC and Drood) Woo, so I was tired yesterday.
Just filled out the form for Who's who Amoung America's HS students-thing. Good stuff. Very proud of myself. Also, did my course selections. Well not sure if I'm going to take Spanish and/or Physics. We'll see after Bel/Studio/Chamber Strings auditions. Fun. SO that's almost done at least. I re-read my college Junior planning folder hand--outs. I figure as long as I keep up the good work in school and activities, do well on the standardized test, and keep up with the college deadlines, I'll be fine. I may go crazy, but that's ok. xD
Eeek....Chem test tomorrow. Stoichiometry. w00t?
Time to study and get ready for conformation class.
5:42 PM

Wow. Mooney said I could be one of the candidates for Chamber Strings. Yay! I had a block and half plus twenty minutes free today...crazy...a little boring but I did relax and practice my violin. wooo
Last night's lecture, at Siena was awesome. Best way to learn history is form a living, breathing primary source like congressmen John Lewis, one of the Big Six of Civil Rights. Yup, chickens listen better than some congressmen. lol.
So, Kevin likes blondes, eh? I know he thinks I'm pretty and loves me (I hope he does, because he said so) but maybe I should go blonde or highlight it. However, it's so damn expensive to keep up.
What say you?
Dance rehearsal tonight, then perhaps Utopia? I hope so. Ciao!
5:37 PM

Lecture tonight at Siena College. Woo. Dad's taking me so I can get a little extra c redt in APUsh. Fun class, really. Lots of reading and hard tests but I enjoy it.
haha...oh that silly owl..anyways, pretty good day I think I did ok on Math quiz and very well on my Chem quiz. Oh peotry. It's a lot like music when you analyze it. Funny, this morning in Englisjh Ms. Moore was like "What's the time of this poem?" and I was like"6/8 or no maybe 9/8" NOpe, she meant iambic trimeter. Haha. Music is controling my life. Haha, it's all good.
Back to reading...then diner.
AAAH! Orchestra seating/chamber audition! WIsh me luck!
6:10 PM

So, second quarter? Um, kind of nervous about some of my grades. Math quiz tomorrow and if I don't do well, I'm in ttrouble. I have issues with logarithims, even after seeing my teacher. At least, Mr. Bach liked my Lincoln essay, he even personally told me. I'm trying to give my all during rehearsals, but I feel a little social uncomfortable. I know, at least I believe, that they like me, but I stilll feel weird. I always feel a little uneasy, even though I should be comfortable. I'm a social, pretty cool person, why should I be worried about people? Maybe it's stress. College stuff is scarying me. I haven't even had time to sit more for more than one occasion to really get started. I need help. Poppey's surgery went wel but his heart is alittle goofy right now. The cancer may not be hereditary, since he's aging. So maybe I have nothing to worry about. Ummmm, what else? Auditions. Mr. CLement says I'll do fine and w/e happens, happens. C'est la vie and everyone knows that I'm good. So no real reason to fret.
I just want to do well, out-do my best. The older I get, the more challanging life becomes, well I guess that's expected. Oh I smell the stress of second semester Junior year coming around the bend. Oh and before I know it, it'll be time for application first semester senior year. Aaah. Help?
I should warn you now that I may be a little sad and/or snappy due to the circumstances mentioned above. I'll be fine in a day or two. Quiet time would be nice.
2:20 PM

Don't mind me, I'm just having a nervous breakdown because I have no idea what I want to do with my life. And so begins the college search...I'm doomed. I suck. I'm not good at anyting, or no enough to be the best of the best. people think I have it together but I don't. How do you expect a 16 year old kid to decide what they want to do with their life, whrer they want to go, who they want to be? I'm lucky I can get my hw done these days, let alone decide where I want to go to school, what programs/learning experiences I want for the summer. Wtf ids the matter with mee? Somebody help me.....I can't do it anymore....I mean, I feel like that. Sure, I'll keep going but for what? It's not even second semester and I haven't had even an hour to think about colege stuff, what programs I want to do in the summer to enrich my life experience before college, or even what coarses I want to take my senior year...It's all so confusing and frustrating. I knwo other kids feel like this but I know I shouldn't be dissing myself with my talent and intelligence. I can be the best of the best but I don't know whre to start nor if I even have a chance to do it. Ugh. All this college stuff is making my head spin. How am going to do this? I know I can do this but I just feel so lost at the moment and I'm making all these contradictions about my feelings...
you know what? I'm just lost....but perhaps I can pull myself together and be all that I can. DAmnit, I sure as hell am going to try and I'm not going down without a fight!
I guess this proves I can pull myself out of a rotten mood because I know I'm better than that. Good. Then I guess I can do this.
1:19 AM

Ok Seth and I were up late for like no reason and had some interesting conversations...
Example One:
blueabyss17 (12:07:27 AM): oh Isee where you're at
blueabyss17 (12:07:40 AM): you have to choose?
cometboy4000 (12:07:46 AM): "the war of the sexes will never be won there is to much fraternizing with the enemy"
cometboy4000 (12:07:50 AM): choose
blueabyss17 (12:08:03 AM): choose what?
cometboy4000 (12:08:16 AM): no i need to choose what?
yeah we confuse each other sometimes..oh yes..fun stuff the rest of the conversation was private so you'll just have to wonder about we were talking about...sorry. ;p
Example Two:
cometboy4000 (12:25:19 AM): yeah
cometboy4000 (12:25:52 AM): on wednesday we were together during lunch
blueabyss17 (12:25:57 AM): ok
cometboy4000 (12:26:02 AM): and i mean Together together
blueabyss17 (12:26:13 AM): oh so close then?
blueabyss17 (12:26:17 AM): like a couple?
blueabyss17 (12:26:28 AM): what were you doing?
blueabyss17 (12:26:41 AM): hugging? kissing? fucking under the tble?
blueabyss17 (12:26:42 AM): lol
cometboy4000 (12:26:48 AM): the last one
cometboy4000 (12:26:52 AM): :-P
blueabyss17 (12:26:54 AM): are you serious?
cometboy4000 (12:26:59 AM): no
cometboy4000 (12:27:01 AM): lol
blueabyss17 (12:27:03 AM): oh good
ha ha...
Example Three:
cometboy4000 (12:27:08 AM): but you should have seen your face
blueabyss17 (12:27:08 AM): not in public...
blueabyss17 (12:27:12 AM): ...yet
blueabyss17 (12:27:16 AM): my face?
blueabyss17 (12:27:17 AM): you can
blueabyss17 (12:27:23 AM): you cn't see me
cometboy4000 (12:27:36 AM): yes i can
blueabyss17 (12:27:42 AM): no you can't
cometboy4000 (12:27:46 AM): yes i can
blueabyss17 (12:27:51 AM): what am I wearing?
cometboy4000 (12:27:55 AM): clothes
cometboy4000 (12:27:57 AM): HA
blueabyss17 (12:28:09 AM): HA I KNEW IT!
blueabyss17 (12:28:18 AM): liar liar pants on fire
cometboy4000 (12:28:30 AM): yea yea
wow...we're SO damn cool...
Example Four:
cometboy4000 (12:36:53 AM): oh nevermind
blueabyss17 (12:36:55 AM): I really should go blonde..xD
cometboy4000 (12:37:05 AM): yeah
cometboy4000 (12:37:05 AM): lol
blueabyss17 (12:37:09 AM): oh ok
cometboy4000 (12:37:11 AM): that would only be extreemly scary
blueabyss17 (12:37:11 AM): nevermind
oh about the blonde thing...no offence to blondes out there, it was an "of the moment sort of thing...
Example Five:
blueabyss17 (12:41:51 AM): *hugs*
cometboy4000 (12:42:00 AM): *hugs*
blueabyss17 (12:43:57 AM): wow, we're so cool staying up really late, chatting like a bunch of giddy Catholic school girls at a sleep over...
cometboy4000 (12:44:07 AM): lol
blueabyss17 (12:44:13 AM): except you're not a girl and far from Catholic
cometboy4000 (12:44:21 AM): indeed
blueabyss17 (12:44:31 AM): but then again for me I wonder about the Catholic virtue thing
blueabyss17 (12:44:32 AM): lol
cometboy4000 (12:44:42 AM): lol
blueabyss17 (12:44:53 AM): actually, I'm not that naughty
blueabyss17 (12:45:02 AM): but I have been called a virgin-whore
blueabyss17 (12:45:13 AM): so I guess I am an oxy-moron?
cometboy4000 (12:45:14 AM): ...wow
blueabyss17 (12:45:24 AM): yeah...
and finally Example Six:
blueabyss17 (12:49:47 AM): oh man I'm such a loser
blueabyss17 (12:49:50 AM): ha ha
cometboy4000 (12:50:00 AM): only on the weekends
blueabyss17 (12:50:40 AM): no I whore on the weekends
blueabyss17 (12:50:41 AM): lol
blueabyss17 (12:50:46 AM): tuesdays are when I'm a loser
blueabyss17 (12:51:01 AM): the rest of the week I am a student, performer, and musician
blueabyss17 (12:51:03 AM): lol
cometboy4000 (12:51:09 AM): oh right i always mix those up
blueabyss17 (12:51:14 AM): ha ha
blueabyss17 (12:51:19 AM): so when do you whore?
cometboy4000 (12:51:31 AM): thats just my personality
blueabyss17 (12:51:31 AM): just so I can pencil you in my little black book
blueabyss17 (12:51:35 AM): lol
cometboy4000 (12:51:36 AM): anytime
blueabyss17 (12:51:43 AM): te he
blueabyss17 (12:51:50 AM): this is why you're fantastic
he is pretty damn hilarious...ha ha
Um, I think I better get some sleep...
Ciao, dahlin'! ha ha
4:03 PM

If I only knew what he really thought and if he really cared. I hope he's not using me...
Boys..what to do, what to do...but for now, homework is the agenda. And now I leave you a song to explain how I feel...
"Once upon a Dream" from Jeckyll &Hyde the musical
"Once upon a dream,
I was lost in love's embrace.
There I found a perfect place,
Once upon a dream.
Once there was a time,
Like no other time before,
Hope was still an open door,
Once upon a dream.
And I was unafraid,
The dream was so exciting!
But now I see it fade...
And I am here alone!
Once upon a dream,
You were heaven-sent to me,
Was it never meant to be?
Was it just a dream?
Could we begin again!...
Once upon a dream.''
Not quite that mushy, more frustrated but you know what I mean...
11:51 AM

wooo, so now that I have the rest of the afternoon off, I'm going to go sleep. ^___^ something that I and other juniors desperately need. Mr. Bach, or some kid in class I'm not sure, brought doughnuts. ^_^ very happy about that. I think I did well on my spanish, not so sure about chem, but I did extremely wel on my last APUSH quuiz.
Mom and Michael are taking down the tree now...:-( I think it was the most beautiful tree we ever had. We're so lucky Christmas came, this year has been so busy.
Yay. Dance rehearsal tonight. I really need my rest then. Speaking of rehearsals, Mrs. B said bye to me today and then said to me Hey kkiddo, thanks for staying in character. " I told "No problme that's my job." So I guess she does like me. Good. I was worried that she didn't because I have a large voice that sticks out sometimes. Don't worry, I'm working on it. It's the little things in life, the simplest compliment can totally make my day. Very happy about that.
Ugh, y throat is a little scratchy...poo, and I have CDYC tomorrow...oh well, I'll get better soon. Must've been because Ihave een staying up really late with school work the past couple of weeks.
weee food!
3:58 PM

e-iii-e-iii-ooooh! Oh man Tina and Katelyn are hilarious. Templeton's balls ha ha.
Good stuff. The first half of the day I was really tired/emo/irratated/hungry. I felt stupid until the end of Chem. I'm good at naming compounds. Once I did he "jumping off the platform and trying to hi-5 the hand", I was good. Now, Erin won't kill me. >.O yay. Lunch was good...I did some APUSH. I stlil have reading to do and my paper...grr but I'll get it done. Orchestra was goood. I think I'll be fine for seating auditions but I'm not sure if I should go for Chamber Strings. Maybe, not sure.
No rehearsal today, which is good because I have lots of APUSH to do. Oh well, I like Lincoln but I don't like writing papers, who does? Dance rehearsal tomrrow and CDYC on Saturday. w00t!
Tea time..mom, Grandma, Michael, and I are just hanging out right now...woo then I'lll start APUSH.
10:03 PM

warning: randomness ahead...English cracks my sanity..literally. Feel free to read the side effects of my life in general:
blueabyss17 (9:54:29 PM): HEY STEEVE!
blueabyss17 (9:54:33 PM): I'm gonna get the po-po
blueabyss17 (9:54:36 PM): woooo It's Laura
rosario tijeras (9:55:11 PM): hi!
blueabyss17 (9:55:16 PM): hola
rosario tijeras (9:55:24 PM): yo yo
blueabyss17 (9:55:37 PM): wooooooah I'm gonna get the po-po
blueabyss17 (9:55:39 PM): lol
rosario tijeras (9:55:42 PM): oh no!!!
rosario tijeras (9:55:48 PM): not the po-po!!!! ahh
blueabyss17 (9:55:56 PM): what is up, snoopy doggity dog biz-natch?
blueabyss17 (9:55:58 PM): ha ha
rosario tijeras (9:56:12 PM): uh i popped a cap in some guys ass. uh yeah that's it
rosario tijeras (9:56:16 PM): i think...
blueabyss17 (9:56:22 PM): oh you too
rosario tijeras (9:56:27 PM): oh thats right!
blueabyss17 (9:56:29 PM): yeah I busted his ass
blueabyss17 (9:56:37 PM): yup, that was me fo'
blueabyss17 (9:56:43 PM): fo/' shho' bitches
rosario tijeras (9:56:45 PM): aw hell yes
blueabyss17 (9:56:49 PM): gonna get me some bitches and hoes
blueabyss17 (9:56:50 PM): yo
rosario tijeras (9:57:05 PM): imma get me some crack
rosario tijeras (9:57:08 PM): and some hoes
blueabyss17 (9:57:13 PM): where? I want some
rosario tijeras (9:57:14 PM): mhmm
blueabyss17 (9:57:16 PM): of that ass
blueabyss17 (9:57:21 PM): mmmhmmmmmmm BITCH!
rosario tijeras (9:57:23 PM): oh yeahhh
blueabyss17 (9:57:26 PM): oh yeah
blueabyss17 (9:57:30 PM): HEY STEEEEEVE
rosario tijeras (9:57:37 PM): we are so black. lol not really
blueabyss17 (9:57:51 PM): yeah...I'm just alabaster
rosario tijeras (9:58:02 PM): me also
blueabyss17 (9:58:05 PM): the brunette albino..or just someone who blends into white wash
rosario tijeras (9:58:06 PM): that is bad grammar
blueabyss17 (9:58:08 PM): you can't see me!
rosario tijeras (9:58:13 PM): haha! where are you
rosario tijeras (9:58:14 PM): lol
blueabyss17 (9:58:16 PM): I win hide and seek every timr
blueabyss17 (9:58:18 PM): lol
blueabyss17 (9:58:21 PM): right here!
rosario tijeras (9:58:22 PM): sweeeeet!
rosario tijeras (9:58:27 PM): i can't see you
blueabyss17 (9:58:32 PM): oh sorry
blueabyss17 (9:58:35 PM): white walls
rosario tijeras (9:58:36 PM): haha, that' ok
blueabyss17 (9:58:39 PM): and crack
blueabyss17 (9:58:41 PM): s
rosario tijeras (9:58:48 PM): stupid white walls, they get me every time
blueabyss17 (9:58:51 PM): in da' house wit me juggy-wgger
blueabyss17 (9:58:54 PM): wtf?
rosario tijeras (9:58:59 PM): hahahahaa
blueabyss17 (9:59:07 PM): disregard that last statement...
rosario tijeras (9:59:26 PM): ok!
blueabyss17 (9:59:48 PM): woooo English roks my toes socks..er..not really
rosario tijeras (9:59:57 PM): sure it does! hah
blueabyss17 (9:59:57 PM): so I must depart and continue the torture...lol
blueabyss17 (9:59:59 PM): Ciao
rosario tijeras (10:00:04 PM): lol...bye! have funnnn
rosario tijeras (10:00:11 PM): cause i know you will. lol
blueabyss17 (10:00:15 PM): oh I will or shall
rosario tijeras (10:00:21 PM): thou shalt!!!!
blueabyss17 (10:00:24 PM): oh shush
blueabyss17 (10:00:34 PM): BYE VYE PO-PO
blueabyss17 (10:00:37 PM): *bye
rosario tijeras (10:00:41 PM): BYE!!!!!! WOH WOOH WOOH
rosario tijeras (10:00:45 PM): lol...see ya soon
haha Amy and I are sooo cool...lol.
4:39 PM

Doctor Unheimlich has diagnosed me with Laura Isabella's Lurgy |
Cause: | exposure to radiation |
Symptoms: | sudden nightmares, swearing, chest pain, excessive redness of nose |
Cure: | exercise |
soo that's what's making everyone sick...ha ha
8:44 PM

Hmmm...sounds like conformation class is going to be interesting from now . Ok, let's just say I had a legitimate rebuttel to many of their (my teachers) statements. Well, I feel likea heathen because the whole class was like "wtf?" exceptfor two other girls from Schenectady. I mean is my knowledge history and theology, not to metion my afguments sending me on a one-way ticket to hell because I question and have different stances on ideas and beliefs? Which one of us, if any of us, are right? Perhaps I should not bash the human flaws of the Catholic church and resolve to what I have done before, have faith in God but be wary of the human institution. I don't know, we shall see. what say you?
Lincoln, here I come...after I shower of course...o.O
3:14 PM

Wow. I got three compliments this week on my acting/singing/dancing in the show. The first one came from Mrs. B about my singing. She was like, "Can I here someone else besides Laura Isabella?" Then, a couple days later she complimented me on how well I stay in character. Oh and today, Debbie Draper said to me, "Laura, even though you may be in the back corner sometimes, you're always smiling and interacting with the audience. That's what we want". I was red in the face all three times. I guess whenever I feel like I suck at something, I sohould recall those times. :-) Yay...so to my confidence...you finally came back, "THERE YOU ARE!!' lol
Good rehearsals today and yesterday. I jumbled my feet a couple times but the routines are relatively new and so I'll just practice some more. w00t. I really need to get back into dance next year.
Or perhaps I should eat something first...then hw...:p
5:46 PM

Damn you Thoreau. Damn you English. Damn, damn, damn. Damn you all! Wel, not all of you...just a little worn out and not in the mood for bullshit.
Let' see...the guy who owns the truck that Kevin bumped is being an ass and wants tme to tell them what happened. The policeman won't be on duty until Monday but they just want to get it over so its not hanging over our heads during the weekend. Yeah, fun..now I have to worry some more about Kevin, even though I shouldn' because there's no real issue. Still, poor Kevin. He was upset when he left on Sunday, no wonder. That guy has no reason to be an pain. NOTHING IS WRONG! NO FREAKIN' DAMAGE! WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?! Probably looking for money or w/e...argh, people are dumbasses.
Speaking of dumbasses, Thoreau and my teacher....dumbasses not because they are stupid but because they drive me crazy and are really freakin' annoying..well they're not dumbasses, more like...pains in ass. :p Civil Disobedience...worse than Walden. (How is that possible?) Oh and a debate about governemnt in which no side has a strong stance. Great, I smell disaster and boredom in the air, looming over our sleep heads for every AC Day first Block class from now until the REgents. AND, she may teach 12 H/AP again. If I? get her as a teacher again, I will cry and drop. I don't need to have her three times. I want to learn from a variety of teachers and sources, not one that tells us indirectly that we don't know what we're talking about on most days...but outside of clas, nice lady pretty much. o.O woooooo
Did I mention that the quarter is going to end soon? I hope I don't get bad grades...please let have above B's (C's for Math since that is m weakest subject) AAAH..I hope I'll do well.
At least, rehearsals, for me, are going well. I wish we wouldn't fool aroud constantly. Debbie, our choreographer, will no put up with that crap. She's going to rock becuase she and her sister Michelle and Kelyn, our dance captain, are going to work us to death so that they get the best out of us. Good, we should rock the house with this show. hopefully. At least if the show on the whole is mediocre, please let me still do great. Well, I don't think we'll be mediocre so I'm not to concerned about that.
Fooooooooooooooooood. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. soooooooooooo, just wasting some relaxing time while waiting for dinner. Break time! Thank God.
8:48 PM

SOOOOO. Delay today! Thank God! Except my sleep was a little well restless. I couldn't stop thinking about Kevin...
hey wait, I think I already blogged today...Oh well.
Good school day. Mrs. B siad I was always in character in rehearsal. :-) Yay. Good voice lesson. I finally get what Mr. Clement is talking about..the whole breath support /natural air circulation when singing and stuff. I have to feel it and not analyze it.
woooo, so I'm going to go talk to Kevin now. He's ok, but his dad wants him to take driver workshop things to make sure he'sa safe driver and all. That and for the experience. He is a careful driver already. I mean, those two "accidents" were not even his fault. Well, I guess it'll be good for the experience. I told him, "don't worry, you'll always be a better driver than me..remember that" :p It's true. Ican't even drive a freakin' go-cart. That's not good. I hope that I get better as a driver. I mean, I do't want any accidents. Oh boy.
But for now, there's APUSH. Huzah?
7:38 AM

Thank God! Damnit, I couldn't get to sleep...and my alarm clock was ahead of schedule..so I'm in the bathroom getting ready and my dad's screaming at me to get out. So, I'm like wtf? and he said that my clock was messed up...and just yelled at me some more...jackass...you know, he could have been nicer about and of course I have to yell back because I'm being attacked by a crazy Italian man. Well...good morning?
So, here I am. I could barely sleep because I couldn't stop thinking about Kevin. I still am thinking about him, wondering if he's ok. I know he's ok but still...ugh. I can't stop thinking about him. I miss him...why do all te guys I end up liking live like a half-hour away? I mean, what am I supposed to do say "Oh I can't like you or go out with you. You live on the other side of the capital district." Well, not really. He lives like on top of Guilderland...right on the borderline. Cra-zay. Damnit, I can't stop thinking about him. I don't mind but still I need to not be distracted in school by rthis..not good for grades and stuff. It is nice to think about him...and now I'm rambling about him...blah blah blah. I better stop...and get some breakfast or something. I barely ate anything yesterday...oh well.
Fun stuff. Yup. Maybe we'll get together this weekend..hopefully. Next weekend is cool too except I have a CDYC rehearsal and a dance rehearsal until two. I really do miss him. Well, I better get ready now. I think it's "safe". -.-
6:06 PM

Um....why does shit have to happen to ruin a good date?
Ok here goes...
Things are fine with Kevin...saw him today hung out at my place and then we were going to go to Starbucks but he had to stop at the gas station. Well, he was backing up and bumped into a tow truck. NO FREAKIN' DAMAGE! We barely noticed and were nonchalant about it until the as station dude chased us as we were leaving. Then Kevin turned back and talked to the guy. The guy called the cops. So they recreated the scene and went through the registration/license thing and the cop was like "ok, w/e no damage...no claim it's all good" and let us go. I swear we were at the station for at least a half-hour and I was stuck in the car worried sick about him. I can't imagine how he feels though. I mean, on the way home he missed a couple of turns and my house TWICE. The poor guy was nervous to get home. I begged him to stay for dinner but he said he just wanted to get home. Damnit. I swear everything we do is ruined somehow...it's not fair. Now I'm worried that his parents won't let him see me or contact me or take away his car..even though he said his dad said it was ok...ugh! So now I feel so bad for him and even more worried than I was in the car...and I'm upset that he didn't get to stay for even a cookie! (Mom makes fabulous cookies...and made some for him and his family but he took off in a hurry) At least he gave me a goodbye kiss and we had fun watching a movie...and we liked each other's gifts (he got my a very pretty and soft red and black scarve...how did he know I had a scarf fetish...lol)...*sigh* It's just I wanted everything to be perfect...We still had a good time at my house. I miss him and hope he's ok. I was so worried about him...I still am...oh my poor Kevin.
I'm just bummed that we didn't have any alone time together...and that guy flipped out for no reason. Kevin did the right thing and conducted himself properly. I'm proud of him for that. Hey, he has a '95 Lincoln Continental, it's a big car, you know? Oh, I hope I get to see my sweetie soon...<3333333333333333333333333333333
WEll, I geuss it happens. Shit happens, but I stilll feel bad for him.
Allrighty, I have to eat dinner now. After that I get to finish my APUSH. :p Oh boy...
12:06 AM

YAY I hope this a wonderful year for all of you! WEll, it's a little past midnight but that's ok, we're a nanosecond behind anyway..every ten or tweleve years. lol!

May good fortune and happiness always be at your side this year. Let this year bring us all closer together. May we all learn from each other, grow with each other, and help each other. Most importantly may we love each other! <3

ZOMG! I'm so excited! YAY!
I think I'm going to make this year, a fantastic one! Let's hope it is not just my sake or yours, but everyone's!