• Hey there. I'm Laura. How're you, love? Let's see...
• Music is my
• I ♥ SING ♥ everything from classical literature to opera to Broadway show tunes.
• I also play violin; I've been playing since I was eight or nine years old.
• Recently, I picked up piano. I'm still figuring the whole black and ivory thing, but I'm getting there. .
• Broadway musicals rock my socks hard core; can't get enough of them.
• I enjoy discussing the political affairs of today. I'm a democrat, but that doesn't mean that I'm not open to other views.
• History is another one of my loves. I'm like a walking encyclopedia.
• I'm big into my Italian heritage. Guardi fuori, questa ragazza italiana ha un temperamento. That doesn't mean I'm not proud of my Irish, German, and Austrian roots however.
• I'm a bull Taurus, that is.
• Give me a box of canolies and I'm yours.
• I am a slave to academia, meaning that succeeding in school is very important to me.
• Ergo, I'm going to go to a good college with an excellent music and academic program. NAZARETH '11
• I LOVE Europe! I miss my AMA loves!
• I'm a generally cheerful, bubbly, goofy person.
• Someday, you'll see me on stage or on a record shelf. Keep your eyes and hears open.
• I'm a book worm, whenever I get the chance to read a book outside of my busy schedule.
• My friends and family are very important to me.
• I love beig a goofball. Ask my friends.
. Oh, yeah. HEY STEVE!
5:52 PM
Relaxing tonight before I take the SATs tomorrow morning. I can't go to the MCS festival because I need to just unwind and go over some test tips (i.e- RELAX mainly) Wish me lots of luck because I really could use some.
A nice day today. Ms. Moore bought us bagels for breakfast and there some heated discussions about summer reading and the role of politics in school. I'm getting better at badmitton. w00t? I love tuning the orchestra. It's so much fun, way more than trigonometry. *groan*
Mmmmm...I made cookies after hangning out with my bro Michael today. Today was so lovely, high of 75; utterly fabulous.
All in all, today helped me relax. I need to stay calm tomorrow, do my best, and just go in there with confidence.
5:05 PM
Kittens, ultimate frisbee, cool people, lying in the grass, and music make everyday, a good day. Kevin's pieves in the media arts festival are so wonderful. He's so talented. ^_^
By the way, Mama B is wondeful too. Thanks Who's Who.
Relaaaaaaaaaaaax...yes please?
9:51 PM
oooh fun fun
Your Scholastic Strength Is Deep Thinking |
You aren't afraid to delve head first into a difficult subject, with mastery as your goal. You are talented at adapting, motivating others, managing resources, and analyzing risk.
You should major in:
Philosophy Music Theology Art History Foreign language |
Yay, this quiz knows me. w00t?
haha sO this "week of hell" is going by better than I expected. It's still stressful, of course, but I think that I'm handeling it very well. (so far, anyways.)
Hmmm......I think it's the weekend that is going to be beyond busy. Yes, I'll be a busy beaver, indeed. Oh boy.
Perhaps I should finish my hw before blogging. Much better idea. xD lol
4:51 PM
"love is like a llama. You feed it some hay and then it sneezes snot on you and it never comes out." -c'est moi. lol
so true haha
6:11 PM
SAT prep is grueling. Seriously, it's absolutely exhausting. Ow my head. Oh imagine my joy because I get to take the real thing this coming Saturday. This week is going to be insane to the max. Wish me luck?
12:58 AM
7:16 PM
I am going to look gorgeous because I bought a prom dress!!!!!!! ^_^ Yay! It's puuuuuuuuuuuurty, so elegant and classy. w00t
9:58 PM
It's actually a widget that Baxtar and I downloaded on a couple macs in the foreign language lab after the listening/reading comprehension part of the national spanish exam. I did really well on that part...w00t.
YAY good day today. Still lots of work but not to bad to tackle once one puts their mind to it.
Hmm...I think I'm addicted to the internet. (i.e-this blog wel sort of, myspace) Honestly, it's myspace. Wow I let myself conform and join the hype..I'm a loser for doing that. lol Well I'll just not be on myspace so often now, huh?
back to work.
6:50 PM
Yup. I have wayyyyy too much homework. I also have a lot to make up from when I was absent. Crap.
SATs in almost one week. Crap. Help?
Oh dear.
11:41 PM
I do, I really, really do. He loves me too. I feel like soaring through the air. I've never felt this way before. He's so good to me. I love him...
Alright, alright, enough of the mushy stuff. AS you cna tell Kevin and I got together today; hung oiut, ate dinner, and then went to see Shen's Camelot. Lovely evening. He's also my prom date. ^_^ Now I have to get that dress. Yay.
Oh I do love a wonderful evening. Nothing gives me more happiness than being with him. Sometimes, he's not the most romantic person, but when he is, I sigh and just melt.
I know, I know I said "enough of the mushy stuff" but I'm a fool because I'm in love.
10:57 AM
My parents were right, I should have stayed home yesterday. Ugh. now I can't talk at all. Plus, I 'm missing Kelsey's birthday. That makes me sad.....damn. I'm also missing a lot of work and tests/quizzes. Crap.
I want to get better....but now I have to do all of my homework too (things that were due today and stuff that's due tomorrow) Oh boy this is going to be fun.
I'm also missing a Requiem rehearsal with Neubert. poo. I was looking forward to that unlike everyone else. Neubert is mad awesome, man. he does work your butt off every rehearsal but it's worth it.
Hmmmm...I'm hungry...Ciao for now.
5:39 PM
Um, good day but I can barely talk and my teeth hurt (orthodondist). Uggy buggy, I have a voice lesson tonight....crap.
uuuuuuuggggggghhhhhhh I want to go back to bed.
3:11 PM
That's sad...:-( Oh well. It was still delicious.
So This weekend has been pretty relaxing so far except now I have to pay for it and do all my homework before conformation class. Well, I asked for it. :p I'll get it done. I got A LOT of sleep so I should be good to go.
Hey kids! I think I got a prom dress! ^_^ I really like but I have to think about it first before I buy it. Oh yeah and I have to ask Kevin to prom too. ^_^ I really hope that he can go.
So what is this thing called homework again? xD
8:48 PM
watch this!
You've been naughty!!!!!!!! lmao
Oh man. Theatre people...we are so damn cool, we're hot. haha that didn't make any sense. w/e this is still an awesome video!
12:52 AM
SEriosuly, I cannot focus and do my work. I must be a little bitantsy because I don't know what to do with myself since the show is over. :-( poo. Unfortunately, w/e is keeping from finishing my history essay is also depriving me of sleep. -.- ggrr argh fie upon you, fie!
aaaah. Junior year is coming at me with full force. Duck and cover. >.<
Oh on a completely irrelevant note:
Innocent but sexy Japanese anime girl - you've got
beauty and brains; you're shy at day time but
seductive by night; you're strong and you can
easily depict right fron wrong
Which Stereotypical East Asian Girl Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
12:11 AM
My pirate name is:
Captain Mary Flint
Even though there's no legal rank on a pirate ship, everyone recognizes you're the one in charge. Like the rock flint, you're hard and sharp. But, also like flint, you're easily chipped, and sparky. Arr!
Get your own pirate name from fidius.org. Pirates were the coolest people ever, even though they really weren't the nicest guys ever. They still had cool hats. And obnoxious parrots. ANd cool rhaspy accents. Ok that's Hollywood and they were not rich, I know. Not most of them anyway...
Argh, I'm a real pirate form me boots up to me 'at. Yo ho yo ho a pirate's llife for me!
I figured how the navy can recruit people to join.
BRING BACK THE PIRATES! At least add pirate-ey sort of things and make them sound cool. lol
Time to swab the deck, I mean go to bed....
7:11 PM
Oh man Oh man. Doing that show was the most fun I ever had. I couldn't sop cyring during the friendship circle before our fourth and last performance Saturday night. *tear* I'll miss doing this with you guys!!! THANK YOU TO ALL INVOLVED IN DROOD AND MADE IT SO WONDERFUL!!!! We were all so amazing and our hard work definitely paid off. hopefully we have enough profits to send to the Hurricane Katrina relief. :-)
Here's the detective/murderer/lovers voting results for each performance:
Datchery: Bazzard
Murderer: Princess Puffer
Lovers: Helena Landless and Deputy
Datchery: Reverand Crisparkle
Murderer: Rosa Bud
Lovers: Helena Landless and Durdles
Saturday Matinee:
Datchery: Bazzard
Murderer: Reverand Crisparkle
Lovers: Rosa Bud and Deputy
Saturday Night:
Datchery: Helena Landless
Murderer: Rosa Bud
Lovers: Princess Puffer and Deputy
SO MUCH FUN! I got a lot of great comments especailly from our choreographers. I'm very good at staying character. ^_^ I LOVE doing theatre.
g2g lesson Ciao