• Hey there. I'm Laura. How're you, love? Let's see...
• Music is my
• I ♥ SING ♥ everything from classical literature to opera to Broadway show tunes.
• I also play violin; I've been playing since I was eight or nine years old.
• Recently, I picked up piano. I'm still figuring the whole black and ivory thing, but I'm getting there. .
• Broadway musicals rock my socks hard core; can't get enough of them.
• I enjoy discussing the political affairs of today. I'm a democrat, but that doesn't mean that I'm not open to other views.
• History is another one of my loves. I'm like a walking encyclopedia.
• I'm big into my Italian heritage. Guardi fuori, questa ragazza italiana ha un temperamento. That doesn't mean I'm not proud of my Irish, German, and Austrian roots however.
• I'm a bull Taurus, that is.
• Give me a box of canolies and I'm yours.
• I am a slave to academia, meaning that succeeding in school is very important to me.
• Ergo, I'm going to go to a good college with an excellent music and academic program. NAZARETH '11
• I LOVE Europe! I miss my AMA loves!
• I'm a generally cheerful, bubbly, goofy person.
• Someday, you'll see me on stage or on a record shelf. Keep your eyes and hears open.
• I'm a book worm, whenever I get the chance to read a book outside of my busy schedule.
• My friends and family are very important to me.
• I love beig a goofball. Ask my friends.
. Oh, yeah. HEY STEVE!
8:30 PM
Hellooo alll.
How're things?
I am absolutely swamped with college stuff. Aaaaahhhhhh. I have three applications due at the same time.
I'm going to collapse.
In other news, CDYC taped for PBS today. Fun stuff. It went really well.
B & B rehearsals rule. This year's show is going to kick boo-tay. haha.
Oh, and I sound really good in CD format.
Back to work. Joy. :-p
1:59 PM
I cannot wait to be finished with college stuff. Oh Lord help!
1:47 PM
I hope everyone has a lovely Thanksgiving. Remember to cherish the ones you love on this day. It's a good thing to do all the time, but this is a special day for eating and arguiing, I mean being with, loved ones. haha.
Just don't get too fat. I'll be taking care of that for you.
I'm such a Fatty McFatster on the holidays. Kidding. haha.
5:27 PM
He's not worth it but I can't help it.
I can't talk to him again. I'll push him away.
Is he really that stupid?
I don't understand.
Someone help me.
5:30 PM
There's nothing better, I swear.
Wow, this past weekend flew by! Area All-State turned out great. Our director my have been a little nuts and annoying (count singing-one-e-and-a-two-e-and-a, etc. ), but we sounded great. Oh man, all the other groups were awesome, especially band and orchestra.
On Sunday, I basically slept in late and then went to CDYC rehearsal. Fun stuff. Dude, I almost fell asleep while I sang. Crazyness...Still, rehearsal went well.
Then, it was homework/college time.
So today....
Was a great day!
Matrices are pretty easy. w00t.
Ms. Moore was not here, so we watched One Flew Over the Cukoo's Nest. We're reading that next probably.
Español was pretty laid back. You know, the usual.
Oh man, we played R. Vaugh Williams Fantasia Theme on Thomas Tallis in orchestra. It's such a gorgeous, but complex, piece. Love it. We're having a combined concert with our local symphony orchestra in March. Sweet.
FIRST BEAUTY AND THE BEAST REHEARSAL TODAY!!!! Well, it was just an information meeting, but still, the show is going to knock your socks off. haha.
Woo, Dad's birthday is today, which means we'll be celebrating later. Unfortunately, I have to go to a town meeting for Public Affairs and write on a paper. That'll cut things short. Poo.
I must go and be cool now. Ciao.
6:45 PM
YAY!!!!!!!! I'm Madame La Grande Bouche in Beauty and the Beast. w00t!!!!!!!!
You have nooooooo idea how happy I am!
8:46 PM
I got called back to audition again today. I acted the monologue again:once, more like Sally Brown and a second time as a diva opera Metropolitan Opera Soprano. Cool, huh?
I hope all goes well now.
Area All-State tomorrow! Sight reading may be in store for a couple spots, but it's all good.
8:51 PM
My audition for Beauty and the Beast went really well. I think I made a great impresion on the directors. Keep your fingers crossed, kids! ^_^
In other news...
So apparently, my Engish class thinks I have magical powers??? O_o
I'm a type A personality who most likely has undiagnosed ADD??? o_O
4:16 PM
I'm drowning in college stuff. Save me.
10:20 PM
Break out the champagne; a new age has begun. The Democrats took the House of Representatives for the first time in a little over a decade and now we'll be able to steer this country toward a better, brighter future.
Oh, and Rumsfield resigned. HALLELUJA! But is it too late for this to happen?
Anyways, go liberals. We did, guys and gals. haha.
Now let's get to work. ^_^
12:39 AM
I should be in bed. Instead, I'm writing a paper on elections and how political parties influence them, etc for Public Affairs...
So freakin' tired, even after my long power nap...
5:57 PM
Dance auditions for B & B went well. I hope so anyways. I actually had a lot of fun.
I really miss dancing. There's absolutely no time for me to take on one more thing. I'd go crazy.
Ooh, and I wish I had gymnastics skills. Then, I really would be awesome. Gack.
Funny, I just practiced "Dancing Through Life" for Area-All State. It's an ok arrangment; I'm not sure if it should be writeen in D Major. Oh well.
5:34 PM
Things are going well. Halloween...hahaha.
The '80s will NEVER die. I'm a rockstar too, by the way.
Hmm, Kafka's
Metamorphosis....some weird stuff right here. Wow, modernism is so depressing. haha
The thing with Kafka is his writing is so simple, that 1.) You tend to miss his humor and 2.) You can apply any school of criticism to his work. It's pretty interesting. English will certainly be interesting tomorrow.
So this weekend consists of Utopia Dance, CDYC rehearsal and make-up, dance auditions for B & B, and college apps./essays. Whoa.