• Hey there. I'm Laura. How're you, love? Let's see...
• Music is my
• I ♥ SING ♥ everything from classical literature to opera to Broadway show tunes.
• I also play violin; I've been playing since I was eight or nine years old.
• Recently, I picked up piano. I'm still figuring the whole black and ivory thing, but I'm getting there. .
• Broadway musicals rock my socks hard core; can't get enough of them.
• I enjoy discussing the political affairs of today. I'm a democrat, but that doesn't mean that I'm not open to other views.
• History is another one of my loves. I'm like a walking encyclopedia.
• I'm big into my Italian heritage. Guardi fuori, questa ragazza italiana ha un temperamento. That doesn't mean I'm not proud of my Irish, German, and Austrian roots however.
• I'm a bull Taurus, that is.
• Give me a box of canolies and I'm yours.
• I am a slave to academia, meaning that succeeding in school is very important to me.
• Ergo, I'm going to go to a good college with an excellent music and academic program. NAZARETH '11
• I LOVE Europe! I miss my AMA loves!
• I'm a generally cheerful, bubbly, goofy person.
• Someday, you'll see me on stage or on a record shelf. Keep your eyes and hears open.
• I'm a book worm, whenever I get the chance to read a book outside of my busy schedule.
• My friends and family are very important to me.
• I love beig a goofball. Ask my friends.
. Oh, yeah. HEY STEVE!
10:35 PM
Next time you're stuck in a verbal brawl, brush up your Shakespeare.
9:06 PM
What if God was one of us?
He'd hold public office legally in sevenstates.
If the link doesn't work, just copy and paste this address in your url location bar or w/e.
5:07 PM
You Are 4: The Individualist |
You are sensitive and intuitive, with others and yourself.
You are creative and dreamy... plus dramatic and unpredictable.
You're emotionally honest, real, and easily hurt.
Totally expressive, others always know exactly how you feel. |
Pretty true.
8:46 PM
I took the scenic route on the way to and home from my audition today.
It was well worth it. I never realized how beautiful nature is, especially around where I am. Gah, I wish I had my camera. I think all this inspired me to sing well today.
I hope I got in!
^_^ Keep your fingers crossed.
4:14 PM
First semester of will be over in a day or two. The push to get everything done and do well is exhausting, but also exciting. Pretty soon, I'll be done with my college stuuff and know where I'm going to school. ^_^ I'm so ecstatic!
Oooh, today I registered to vote. Isn't that not cool?
Look, world. I am exercising my right to vote and "officially" bitch and complain about the governmen. haha.
Ooowah! Fredonia audition is tomorrow. Wish me luck!
1:40 AM
Robert. is. the. sex.
Robert: i'm pregnant with myself.
Me: Dear God help us.
Me: How did that happen?
Robert: well i was experimenting...
Robert: hahahaha
Robert: you know you'd love it
Me: This calls for a celebration!
Me: What would happen if you and I had children?
Robert: hahaha
Me: That would be interesting....
Me: They would be...
Robert: hahahaha
Me: Musical genius superchildren prodegies who are obsessed with sex.
Robert: they would be musical prodigies, i must say
Me: Hell yeah!
Robert: HAHAHA [great minds think alike]
Yes, we have way too much fun.
3:31 PM
Sweet. All that hard work payed off. haha.
You Passed High School with an A |
You have the brains of a high school graduate... at least! |
I am extremely hyper now. Do forgive.
I'm off to be random and perhaps, just maybe, productive. Ciao.
5:56 PM
They say you always learn something new everyday. Well, this week I learned how to really knit and waltz. I'm actually pretty good at both. ^_^
In other news, the show is going really well, minus this one stupid thing outside of the show itself. I have a feeling this little heart teaser is going to get messy. I really don't want it to be.
Drama, drama, drama. Why can't it all just stay in scripts and out of my way?
9:48 PM
Fill it out for me if you know me?
Thank you. ^_^
7:02 PM
I felt like posting quizzes...
Hmm, accurate.
Your Geek Profile: |
Academic Geekiness: High General Geekiness: Low Music Geekiness: Low Fashion Geekiness: None Gamer Geekiness: None Geekiness in Love: None Internet Geekiness: None Movie Geekiness: None SciFi Geekiness: None |
I don't really believe in karma, but that doesn't mean I'm not one to do good.
Accurate, I suppose.
You Have Fantastic Karma |
You are a kind, sensitive, and giving person. And all your good deeds will pay off - if they haven't already. But you're not so concerned with what you get in return anyway. You have an innate caring nature - and nothing can change that! |
You Should Travel to China |
China can satisfy your craving for many travel opportunities in one trip. You can hang out in modern Shanghai, walk along the great wall, or visit sacred mountains. |
Your Pickup Line Is |
Nice pants. Can I test the zipper? |
Uh oh...hahaha.
You Are 28% Evil |
A bit of evil lurks in your heart, but you hide it well. In some ways, you are the most dangerous kind of evil. |
Just in time for college, but I don't see music on here.
Your Scholastic Strength Is Innovating |
You are the master of new ideas, techniques, and ways of looking at things. You are talented at structuring thoughts, decision making, clarifying, and making deadlines.
You should major in:
Marketing Psychology Desgin Cognitive Science Economics Photography |
3:00 PM
I have returned from B & B dance rehearsal. Huzzah... 'Twas fun, I suppose.
Oh, and yes, I should have known better than to be stupid like that.
Remind again why I like guys?
(Besides the fact that I'm a girl and I'm straight? :-p)
Yes, dear. Be my guest and make an ass out of yourself.
6:09 PM
Allo! Oh-la-la!
Happy new year, kids!
CDYC got to sin at Spitzer's Inaugeration on New Year's Day. 'Twas fun for all. I got a solo! w00t I sang for Gov. Spitzer and 8000 people! Nice. haha
The rest of the day was spent in the Empire State Plaza eating food and chillin' out.
Life is overall good. I still have college stuff to do and lots of homework, but I can do it.
Beauty and the Beast rocks my socks. <33333
Sooo there's this guy....yeah. ^-* We'll see. He was kinda being a butt today and I yelled at him. I apologized, and he said it was cool, but I'm worried that it's not.
Eh, a little space tomorrow wouldn't hurt. I hope it's all good.
Well, I must depart. Ciao for now, people.